Read the latest news on the travel restrictions in France: “We are organizing the summer period for French, European and American citizens”. In an interview with the American channel CBS, Emmanuel Macron announced this Sunday a gradual lifting of travel restrictions linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, specifying to work for this with professionals in the tourism sector hard hit by the health crisis.
In an interview with an American channel, Emmanuel Macron indicated that France will begin to lift certain travel restrictions as of May.
Can we finally see the end of the tunnel? In an interview with the American television channel CBS News on Sunday, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, indicated that France will begin to lift certain travel restrictions as of May.
“We will gradually lift the restrictions at the beginning of May, which means that we will organize the summer with our professionals in France for French and European citizens, but also for vaccinated American citizens, with the establishment of a health passport”, he explained on the show “Face The Nation”.
The Americans could therefore soon be able to return to France, the two countries working jointly to put in place a protocol allowing travel. What will happen then for the French wishing to go across the Atlantic? If nothing has been decided yet, travel should at least be possible quickly in Europe thanks to the health pass.
“We are in the process of creating a European certificate to facilitate travel, after the current restrictions, between different European countries. With testing and vaccination. And we are also working to offer it to American citizens”, added the French head of state. Good news for the tourism industry.

If you want to read more latest news of the tourism industry. Read the next article. Indeed, after months of rumors and questions, the EU 27 have agreed on a “EU health pass”, a Covid-19 passeport to be instated from June 15, 2021.