Before starting your travel to France, you might want to know the most useful traveling apps. Indeed, when traveling, we don’t want to lose time right?
Mapping routes, buying tickets and catching the right train can be tricky. Shopping, bartering for goods and understanding currency exchanges are difficulties you’ll likely face. If you aren’t fluent in French, you’ll need conversational help and suggestions for dining and more. All of these issues and more can be covered by travel apps. They’re essential to make your trip a smooth one.
Here’s my list of the most useful traveling apps for your future travel to France. Enjoy!

- Uber
- Ouigo
- Cities metro/bus/tram apps: RATP for Paris, TCL for Lyon, Yélo for La Rochelle, TBM for Bordeaux… you can find easily each cities app.

- Gas Now
- Via Michelin
- Citymapper
- Waze
- Google Maps

- Météo-France
- Carrot
- Accuweather

- TheFork (LaFourchette)
- Yelp
- Around me
- Food reporter
- Michelin Restaurants

- XE currency converter
- Flush (to find the nearest public restrooms)
I hope this list will help you to navigate through France with less worries and will make you earn some time! Do not hesitate to read our posts from our category “Practical Tips“.